fishing / fisheries / tackle & bait |  |
Browse companies by County directly in the category of fishing / fisheries / tackle & bait |  |
Selection of companies directly in the category of fishing / fisheries / tackle & bait |  |
 | |  |  | | Birds Tackle Contact: Stacy Bird 01473 830 683 info birdstackle.com | |
| | | |   | | | |  | | |  | | | |
 | |  |  | | Channel Angling Contact: Craig Collins 01304 203 742 channelangling yahoo.co.uk | |
| | | |   | | | |  | | |  | | | |
 | |  |  | | Interex Trading Contact: Mr Robert Patterson 01546 886 230 info interexint.co.uk |  | |
| | | |   | | | |  | | |  | | | |
 | |  |  | | Maryport Marina Contact: Pauline Gorley 01900 814431 enquiries maryportmarina.com | |
| | | |   | | | |  | | |  | | | |
 | |  |  | | Seatron Contact: Mr. Chris Freeman 01665 720182 / 07572 434 303 seatron lineone.net | |
| | | |   | | | |  | | |  | | | |
 | |  |  | | Fenn Wright Contact: Martin Freeman 01206 216555 | 07889 808 288 mjf fennwright.co.uk |  | |
| | | |   | | | |  | | |  | | | |
 | |  |  | | Shot Off Contact: Wendy Cliff / Dennis Cackett 01233 662 729 dennis32 live.co.uk |  | |
| | |  | | | |
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